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"Anoikis (from a  Greek word meaning ‘homelessness" or the state of being without a home) is defined as anchorage-dependent programmed cell death, In other words, anoikis is defined as apoptosis that is induced by inadequate or inappropriate cell–matrix interactions. it is use to describe the cells' apoptotic response to the absence of cell-matrix interactions."


Reference: Anoikis mechanisms. Frisch SM, Screaton RA. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2001 Oct;13(5):555-62. Review.



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The term Anoikis was coined by Frisch and Francis in a paper published in the Journal of Cell Biology in 1994.


Reference:  Disruption of epithelial cell-matrix interactions induces apoptosis. Frisch SM, Francis H. J Cell Biol. 1994 Feb;124(4):619-26.

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History of anoikis (Key papers in the field)

















After detachment from matrix, epithelial cells activate Jun-N-Terminal Kinases (JNKs; alternatively known as Stress-activated Protein Kinases)


Reference: A role for Jun-N-terminal kinase in anoikis; suppression by bcl-2 and crmA. Frisch SM, Vuori K, Kelaita D, Sicks S. J Cell Biol. 1996 Dec;135(5):1377-82.







The Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway that promotes anoikis requires caspase activity.

Reference: The regulation of anoikis: MEKK-1 activation requires cleavage by caspases. Cardone MH, Salvesen GS, Widmann C, Johnson G, Frisch SM. Cell. 1997 Jul 25;90(2):315-23.







Cells resist anoikis  by non-proliferation, non-apoptosis and cell cycle arrest which were termed synoikis.

Reference: Adhesion-mediated squamous cell carcinoma survival through ligand-independent activation of epidermal growth factor receptor. Shen X, Kramer RH. Am J Pathol. 2004 Oct;165(4):1315-29.











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